Thursday, April 26, 2007

Places To Watch The Annihilation Of Cricket Australia On Saturady.

CH is nice. Proper Sri Lankan cricket match atmosphere. Cheap but due to the crowd, service is poor. You have to buy grub and booze for the entire night in one go coz you won’t get another chance. Eat or drink to kabba limit would cost you approx. Rs. 1500.

Cheers is more wanna-be. Tries very hard to serve the local cricket flavor and succeeds to a certain extent. Excellent service. Not the place you can reel off four letter words about Ricky Pointings mother though. That sota takes away half the fun doesn’t it? Eat or drink to kabba limit would cost you approx. Rs. 3000-4000.

Bayleaf has simply lost it. Bayleaf is great as Bayleaf and not as a CH wanna be again. Fails miserably as a recommended place to watch the match. Place was great during the football world cup last year. The white plastic tables take the entire beauty of the lawn away. Sad case of affairs Harpo. Eat or drink to kabba limit would cost you approx. Rs. 4000-5000.

Sugar is recommended for a more sedated match. Ideal for England vs. West Indies on a Sunday. Nice music. Excellent service. Though you would miss the match if a tall goon is seated at the bar as that would cover your view of the screen. Eat or drink to kabba limit would cost you approx. Rs. 3000-4500.

Tramps was like Bon Jovi. A metrosextual rock musician. The novelty of having a Papare band in side a club made me go check it out. Band was excellent. In Sri Lanka no matter where you watch the match from a good papare band gets you in to the mood. The sad part was that on the day I went there the bar closed at 12mn. However it’s a great place to party, not exactly a great place to watch a match. Eat or drink to kabba limit would cost you approx. Rs. 5000-6000.

I’m too fucking spoilt to go Parliament grounds but assume that would be one of the best places to watch if you don’t have your own giant screen. Crazy fans, you can talk about not only Ricky Pointings mother but his grandmother too, cheap food, you take your own booze. Nice don’t you think? Eat or drink to kabba limit would cost you approx. Rs.1000.

Don’t even sight Inn on the Green. Too expensive. No giant screen. Too many expats. Not enough swearing.

Please feel free to add other places of your choice.


Anonymous said...

Sums up what i've heard... i will probably go either to CH or Parliament... but the weather Gods may have other plans :'(

Booze might be an issue - but the papers said will stop selling on the 29th....

Anonymous said...

SSC... if you go with a member that is... Food and drinks are cheaper than CH. Excellent service (provided you dont get caught to this one tall anal waiter). Finding a chair is not a problem unlike at CH. Can move indoors if it rains... Downside is its a bit tough to spot the ball at normal speed on that screen. gets lost in the pitch...

Anonymous said...

Is there some scene about Vesak and no sale of booze and meat from this week?

Anonymous said...

New post loooong overdue dont you think VAS man???

Anonymous said...

Oi! This is not a comment on the whole "where to watch cricket" review. Just wanted to tell you that thanks to the fact that you have apparently gone and got yourself a life i now have no quick laugh fix. This is not a joke. My job sucks. I need your blog! Your Dhoom 2 review was funny the first 5 times but thats about it. I am a loser. Thats established. For goodness sake start writing again. Or i might be forced to get a life too.